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I;m sat in a cafe called Bongo Billys in the town of Salida listening to a bluegrass band who are really quite good. Yes, I'm the geek with the laptop and cup of tea at a gig. There is the sweatlodge tomorrow so I should really get back but the dojo is full of native american indian elders who are in Crestone this weekend for a series of prayer meetings and a medicine wheel gathering to raise support against imminent govt drilling in the area. So I'm not desperate to get back as it will be mayhem with people and blankets everywhere and people using my teabags. Grrrrr. There is also an ex student staying in the dojo this weekend with her husband, kid and crappy little dog called TJ that kept sniffing inside my sleeping bag this morning. I haven;t kicked it yet but I have a feeling my foot will connect with it at some point over the next 12 hours (sorry mum).
I am researching my next stage after Colorado as time is slowly ticking. Jamaica is looking likely - especially as I've just realised there are a few surf spots there although it is out of season. And Cuba has a few surf spots too! I see a plan forming...
Anyway, this band has started to slow down and play ballad-like crap so I'm off. Hopefully I will survive the sweat tomorrow and be back with some pix or something!!
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